Hey y’all,
So I just bought a heavy 20 oz wool that I’d like to make a double breasted jacket or overcoat out of. I only have lightweight body canvas. Should I order a heavyweight canvas to match the weight of the fabric or will a lightweight canvas work?
Jeroen, Is correct. Many tailors will match the canvas weight to that of the cloth. It is possible to use a lighter canvas if its a softer feel you are after. When I was state side I always used a tropical weight canvas in all of my suits to give them a lighter feel. You would get away with using the same canvas for the overcoat that is found in the coat trimming package.
Canvassing should match the weight of the cloth. After all, the canvas sculpts your garment, gives it body.
Similar issue, different craft: I have seen at least two of reality DIY shows, where someone didn't check the static of his walls and started glueing really heavy tiles on their walls.
Both times, these tiles came down ... as well as the wall, taking part of the house with it.