Hello Rory and forum members,
This is my second attempt with Rory's drafting system. I re-drafted a new pattern with a head unit of 9-1/4 which resulted in slightly longer coat and I deleted the neck dart to see how that would impact the chest drape
Is there too much waist suppression? Should I release it say 1/4 inch at the side seam?
2. My right shoulder was cut with a 1/2 inch drop although I wonder if I should change it
to a 3/4 inch drop as the drag lines a little more pronounced on the right side.

Thank you all for your comments and feedback, I will make a few changes and proceed with the making process.
I think you’re splitting hairs. It’s a great looking coat. When you photograph anything, light and shade can make it look as though there are issues when in fact there are none.
I agree with Benjamin - it's a great looking first fitting! I'm afraid I can't offer any practical advice on the minor fitting issues so I'll just say well done.
It's a really good-looking coat, particularly for a first fitting. I'm consistently amazed by the good results achieved through Rory's draft. I must give it a try soon (I tend to use my own draft).
Personally, I like a looser more draped back. I would want more horizontal room there, but if it's comfortable then maybe leave it. Overall the back looks pretty good. Those minor ripples at the sides under the arm may be due to excessive waist suppression. I've always found them tricky to resolve. Will be interested to hear what others think. You could always try letting it out 6mm or so and see how it looks. From the side view, the back does look a bit 'pinched in' at the waist.
I think possibly the sleeves might need to be pitched backwards slightly..?